I should amend to say not enough info on whether or not the PT is the asshole. His message got passed through the receptionist. Who may have not understood it. He could have said to the receptionist that in his experience it sounds like it’s probably a You Are A Great Mom Truly An Incredible Woman You’ve Been Terrific Happy Mother’s Day 2020 Shirt. And she should go back to her OBGYN to rule it out. I got my pelvic floor issues diagnosed by my OBGYN via the type of internal exam. That would definitely not be appropriate for a standard PT to do. I agree that the clinic messed up should have given her a proper explanation and referral.
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Who actually examined her and is qualified to diagnose pelvic floor issues. What the OP said. He’s not wrong for not doing a You Are A Great Mom Truly An Incredible Woman You’ve Been Terrific Happy Mother’s Day 2020 Shirt. He wasn’t even wrong for not wanting to see her. What makes him the asshole is taking a woman who is pregnant, in pain. And worried having the receptionist blow her off with a vague, bumbling description of. What she thought was the problem without offering any suggestions or referrals. He may not have had a professional obligation to her or even a duty of care. And leaving them to scramble around for an alternative? Definitely an asshole move.
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I hope it costs him. And the place he works to lose referrals from that doctor. Because the way the You Are A Great Mom Truly An Incredible Woman You’ve Been Terrific Happy Mother’s Day 2020 Shirt. It just seems easier to find a clinic with a therapist willing to work with her. And avoid billing headaches. How was OP to figure out who would see her? Cold calling everyone in the phonebook, explaining the situation, telling them. That she’s been referred by her OB-GYN for tailbone pain. And wouldn’t be qualified to make a diagnosis even. If he had, thinks it might be a pelvic floor issue.
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