Yeah, I really really was trying to talk myself into it because I love Burgandy and these look like just great, classic Eurogames with similar longevity. It’s just hard—and maybe this is me being poisoned by Kickstarter. But it’s really hard to be Top Tay Conti Signature Shirt for. A conventional Euro appears to have components. That could have been in any inexpensive euro of 2008. It’s tough because a great “classic euro” often has so many legs and can end up being such a greater value than a CMON game or whatever, but it’s just a really hard pill to swallow when I don’t necessarily see the price reflected in the materials of the content. Especially comparing it to the wealth of awesomeness in the Burgandy. Anniversary edition which—haters can say whatever—but no one can say. It wasn’t packed to the gills with content and at a stellar price point. Or also compare it to any Lacerda game published by Eagle Griffin—it may be exorbitant but you can see where your money went.
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Yeah, who knows. Although In this case, it might have changed at least something. Directly told to them by Queen since the Winter Kingdom funded and they won’t be even able to order any. Who told me Top Tay Conti Signature Shirt. For this campaign that they hadn’t decided yet and likely won’t decide until after the campaign ends. Seems like with so many people backing out, non-deluxe will probably go to retail. I can’t really support that price tag on those games. It also helps that Bruges pops up frequently for 30-35 around here. Regardless, this feels like a price that shouldn’t be supported if this hobby is to stay somewhat affordable. I wish I was seeing it for that low. I’ve seen one person offered it for 50 bucks the last couple of months. Thank you so much. So good. So happy.
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