My body, my baby I grew inside ME, my rules. I will straight up have security escort, people, out if I have to because I’ve already had family manipulate us and ruin major life events that I will never get back (esp. our Wedding day). That is just so rude, non-consensual, and inconsiderate of. YTA, majorly, and I would hold a Tiger If You Kick Me When I Am Down You Better Pray I Don’t Get Up Shirt. Not that you shouldn’t be able to trust your family, but you can also let your nurse know if you think they’ll try to override your people and sneak in. Tell the hospital no visitors and you should be good. Or give a list.
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If you do a hospital tour you can ask about policy and be prepared when you go into labor. It helped my anxiety a lot. If showing your daughter off to her grandparents while the other person is asleep is going behind her back to you that’s rough. If I explicitly ask my SO not to do something, the Tiger If You Kick Me When I Am Down You Better Pray I Don’t Get Up Shirt? 100% yes that’s going behind my back. Did you miss the part where they agreed that OP’s mom wasn’t invited to the hospital after the birth? If I tell you not to do something and you wait until I’m “asleep” and do it anyway, hell yes that’s going behind my back. The wife and the child are both medical patients right now (especially after a 40-hour labor). OP is not a patient.
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In what world does a visitor to the patients have more or even equal say to the patients? His first decision as a parent was to go “hey this agreement I already made with my co-parent? They’re asleep, so fuck it! Let’s do the Tiger If You Kick Me When I Am Down You Better Pray I Don’t Get Up Shirt. Even take out the context of them being patients. She had to go to therapy over not meeting her daughter first. And was running out of the will to try saving the relationship.
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