I think social media in general is absolutely harmful to kids, it makes them cultivate an “online persona,” makes them hyperfocused on their appearance at a young age, and enables bullying. It does this to adults, too. But as someone who was a teenager during the rise of Big Social Media, after which social media became one of the main parts of peoples lives, a reason to This Awesome Dad Belong To Name 1 And 2 Happy Father’s Day Shirt would otherwise do, I can say it absolutely harmed me. But I can also say that, were my social media access restricted,. And sometimes it was) I would’ve missed a lot of social development with my peers, and that would have made me “weird. And an “outcast” in the same way that missing “regular school” does to homeschooled kids.
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So I feel like it has to be a structural change, keeping just one kid off of social media. Like if you keep your own child from having IG when everyone else has it) might hurt more than help. When this study was done Instagram had just started, had no ads. And only showed you photos of people you follow in chronological order. Facebook similarly. Youtube was still used This Awesome Dad Belong To Name 1 And 2 Happy Father’s Day Shirt. There were no “influencers”, Tiktok & Snapchat didn’t even exist yet. Most smartphone/iPad consumption was still relatively passive, no different than watching TV or sitting on the computer all day. There probably is an element of moral panic, and it could be overblown, but kids growing up in the social media of.
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