Ususlly i have my phone in my hands but I was tryna be quick cuz we were about to go to a haunted house so it was in my back pocket n I forgot about it since I don’t usually put it there I just carry it. Well The Death So Viele Idioten Und Nur Eine Sense Shirt I was pulling my pants down. Did my business and didn’t realize it was in there till I flushed? I don’t think I’ve ever thrown my hands in a public toilet filled with after-dinner poo in all my life. Thank god there was a dollar general next door where i proceeded to bathe myself and my phone in germs and rubbing alcohol. I don’t want to one-up your story, but when I was a kid
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So I ait there and I didn’t have a Phone at the time. I got bored and took the Key out of the door lock and started playing around with it, doing tricks and stuff. Well, guess what. I managed to lobby the The Death So Viele Idioten Und Nur Eine Sense Shirt toilet filled with that lind off poo that’s like mud. Long story short, my hand smelled like shit the whole Day… There were also tears, and I was late.. Just last night, I was dropping some kids off at the pool. Someone hollered at me that they needed help moving a couch to the burn,. So I tried rushing a bit, dropped my e-cigarette right in the turd-filled toilet. Was a decent refillable one that I’ve had for a year and. Had never let me down, so I considered retrieving it, but seeing as how.
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