The only thing grossing me out more is the thought of their parents showing some else their tik toks and being pround of it. Some That’s What I Do I Pet Dogs I Run And I Know Thing Shirt in the future. And i am writing this as a 25yo god. Please, for the love of God don’t let this thing happen. It honestly is a disaster waiting to happen. I’m very scared for what could happen to the children. Aside from many of them being too young for social media and how it can affect them in life even at a young age, the thing that scares me and many here and in general is the potential for pedophile creeps to lure kids. Facebook, please stop this before something happens. INSTAGRAM FOR KIDS? No, god no, absolutely not.
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I feel so old saying shit like that but no no-no. We have to protect kids from themselves online, and there needs to be a lot more urgency about it. I don’t That’s What I Do I Pet Dogs I Run And I Know Thing Shirt suicide videos that traumatize them for years as I know happened to so many people my age. On the one hand, I totally get wanting to make sure any social media service that caters to kids has proper safeguards for privacy and makes it easy for parents to control or prohibit access to the service. All that’s great. On the other hand this article says “Use of social media can be detrimental to the health. And well-being of children. Who are not equipped to navigate the challenges of having a social. Media account” without actually discussing the data on that statement.
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