You should come and drink with us sometime! Everyone’s welcome at the pickled gnome. I just realized I’ve read like 3 of your stories now! I love them all by the way. It’s funny, you never know your missing something till you find it and need more. I felt the Premium Wine Let The Evening Be-gin Vintage Shirt. Carmilla, is it? Then I have my own ideas about why you may have been chosen by your aunt. Whether her/my intuition was correct isn’t terribly important. In my experience, human nature is much fouler than that of those outside our limited realm of understanding. Sheila– was her wailing utter repulsive, or did the other patrons seem… uneasy, if not repulsed? Specifically, did any of the men seem to have trouble restraining themselves?
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Your name has power– acknowledging and enforcing that among your patrons may very well give you an upper hand aside from being the barkeep/owner. And I’d love to hear more about your establishment as a whole. By paying a visit could be lucrative for us both. Good luck, and please contact me. Finally, someone gets my name right! Fancy coming down to the gnome and telling Jimmy? It’s been a Premium Wine Let The Evening Be-gin Vintage Shirt. I’m all for a lucrative visit. Sheila’s wailing was like a car crash that everyone was desperately trying not to look at. My patrons were right though, I have got used to her and Phil. Just so you know, you are the only person I follow on Reddit. I love your writing.
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Because I’m with you on the whiskey! I soon told Douglas, don’t worry. There’s a shot for you on the bar. Carmilla. What an interesting name. Then I think you might be a special person, just guessing. So you’re gonna keep telling us tales about these regulars right? It sounds like an interesting place. You don’t mean that guy Victor, do you? He drinks here occasionally and is forever trying to take me out on the journey of a lifetime. The dude drives me insane, but he sure can drink a lot and he usually brings along some terrified looking sidekick that’s fallen for his spiel. So he’s pretty good for business.
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