there is a more effective & cheaper alternative. We are the only country where drugs are not subject to a QALY analysis to decide if there is value in offering them (or if we should Premium Love American Flag Shirt marginal). Americans are far more likely to take an on-patent drug then a patient in a different country for this reason with no detectable improvement in health outcomes. There is a sense that physicians should continue to do something even if its clear a patient is terminal. Physicians have been getting better at this in recent decades but we still have many interventions that have little or no medical benefit. My favorite example for this is surgical intervention for prostate cancer vs those who receive other therapies with the same disease staging. Have worse outcomes due to inherent surgical risk.
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It offers absolutely no medical benefit but we use it anyway because something must be done. We treat the elderly even when it doesn’t make sense for them to be treated. If you Premium Love. American Flag Shirt-old which is either symptomless or has symptoms that can be managed effectively it may not make sense to actually treat the tumor directly. Simply having a disease doesn’t mean an intervention to treat it is justified. Our end-of-life care is far more likely to use extreme measures and far more likely. To involve in-patient care then elsewhere. People come to the hospital to die. Physicians keep trying to treat them even though its clearly hopeless and then. They die in a hospital instead of at home.
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