There were all kinds of crying when their kids were getting spanked! It was literally the “I’ll give you something to cry about” punishment. The difference is they were in absolute authority control mode because a parent beating a kid is big and the kid is little and maybe that’s why it was okay to those parents – they felt like they had control. They exerted the authority the Premium Grateful Dead Not Like Other Girls Floral Shirt. Now the kid is crying, confused, just wanting to get away, learning to hide emotions. And learning that big is better than little and someday. When they’re big they can have this physical control over everybody else.
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My in-laws pull that “in my day, kids didn’t act that way” crap. They are just choosing to remember. But there are plenty of stories of different family members throwing fits. Breaking rules, acting like children instead of perfect little robots. I have a 7-year-old who still has difficulty regulating his emotions. I have panic attacks. That sentence just made a light bulb turn on in my head. What a wonderful perspective! Thank you! It didn’t hit me that a panic attack is the same exact thing until reading this. He recommended waiting out the anger and focus on relieving the distress.
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I grew up with what I have now come to know as an extremely toxic family. Lies, manipulation, control, etc. – just a lot of emotional and mental abuse as kids. When I became a Premium Grateful Dead Not Like Other Girls Floral Shirt. It comes with struggles including hearing mine. The whole family disagrees with almost every parenting choice I make. Don’t let anyone spoil your parenting choices. You know best and will ask for advice if you need it. You know what I love people who fight to break to cycle of abuse and say if I ever have kids I’m not going to treat them how my parents treated me. So I’m going to try and do my best and raise my future kids.
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