I think the OP mentioned something about a visitor’s room. Something in the labor/delivery wing. Our hospital had a very strict policy that the baby never left the room unless there was a medical reason. (And a parent stayed with the Nice I Became A Rad Tech Because Your Life Is Worth My Time Shirt). So I don’t know exactly how the visitor room is set up/what the rules were. Every hospital is different but at mine, you couldn’t leave the maternity wing doors, the waiting room was through the doors you had to get buzzed in and out of and you couldn’t take the baby that far. Maybe it’s a small-town hospital where no one wants to steal a baby.
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At the very least, she missed seeing the first time your child’s grandmother held the baby and that’s a bummer. The first time the baby is introduced to the family (regardless of whose side of the family), mom didn’t get to be the Nice I Became A Rad Tech Because Your Life Is Worth My Time Shirt. And dad is trying to figure out loopholes to ignore their agreement a mere 8 hours after the baby is born. If I were the wife I would not hold my mil blameless in this. Actually I wonder if he is WHY the relationship is strenuous. He probably doesn’t realize how much he prioritizes his mother over his wife.
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Not to generalize but SOME women feel territorial over their family, and Momma’s boys often have spouses battling for the top spot. I mean he kinda showed this to be a true statement. That he agreed with his wife to not have his Mom come to the hospital. And the Nice I Became A Rad Tech Because Your Life Is Worth My Time Shirt. He tells his Mom to meet in the visitor’s area to sneak a visit, OP you need to cut the apron strings and start assuring your partner that they are your priority. And why did his Mom ask to come to the hospital?? Didn’t he convey to his family that no family is to come to the hospital?? Frankly, OP is a total YTA. There is nothing more vulnerable and private that pushing a child out of your body.
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