I’ve been thinking about how they should make a Dunkmaster Veigar skin, it has all of the setups, his Q can be him passing a ball, his W can be him dunking the Nice Handmaid’s Tale Vote Shirt. E can be a big hoop, and I am not sure what his ult could be other than him throwing the ball or something again. I just want a skin for him in general. It’s been 1251 days since he got a skin, and the last one was DNV. The 7th longest champion without a skin, long since. I don’t count DNV. He better get a damn good one… and maybe a legendary. Then it’s really a nice shirt for all men and women. So you should buy this shirt. Thank you so much.
Nice Handmaid’s Tale Vote Shirt, Tank Top, V-neck, Sweatshirt And Hoodie
I’ve said it before but Sion doesn’t need any more skins. In fact, he’s the model by which all champs should get skins. 2 cool/serious, 2 funny/goofy, and an ultimate. That’s how it should be Nice Handmaid’s Tale Vote Shirt. That said, I’d instantly whatever Sion skin they decide to shit out once he becomes the only one who hasn’t gotten a skin for the longest period of time and Reddit decides to meme it to death. Trundle and Volibear last time. Jailbreak Sylas that you…? Along with K9 WW to chase him down and Maybe Pick Pocket Zoe? (Steals sums, Sylas steals ults). Then it’s really a nice shirt for all men and women. So you should buy this shirt. Thank you so much.
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