Bezos are used as the headline justification for putting a tax on people earning a few hundred thousand in income. with the added bonus of getting people poorer than them to think they’re on their side. My wild proposition is a cap. Once you reach $1B congrats Nerdy Dirty Inked And Curvy Shirt. You can make no more personal wealth. Everything after that can be reinvested in your business, go to taxes and independent arms-length charitable and humanitarian causes. I wonder how that would work out, it really only affects a tiny minority of rich assholes. The fact that they see it as “their side” instead of all of us in the same sinking ship says a lot about their bullshit mentality. Especially funny is when you consider “their side” fucking hates them.
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Like literally hates their gullible idiot voter base, and these morons are too stupid to realize it. Not true, frequently rich people are behind industries that a lot of humans have benefited from. Unironically, no Steve Jobs, no iPhone. I know that’s pretty close to the “you criticize society yet you live in it” meme, but on the concrete examples, Nerdy Dirty Inked And Curvy Shirt that themselves are who propelled these people to wealth if the incentive to create them (wealth) was removed? It doesn’t seem likely. Many of the ultra-rich, their net worth is locked into companies. The problem is that someone like Jeff Bezos gets to claim a gargantuan portion of Amazon’s success simply for being the founder. He and other top-level CEOs are rewarded with huge stock options alongside their base salary, further augmenting their income.
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