Also, you can go to a walk-in or the ER if you want another doctor to see you. To your covid point, in my province, the reason why beds are filled is due to the incompetence of the right wing premiere. As for I Paint Because Punching People Frowned Upon Shirt, I have not a “dirty” hospital, but a lot of hospitals are either new or have/are getting updated wings or equipment. In Canada, with socialized care, that’s determined by urgency as decided by the government (or by the hospitals via government guidelines). In the US, it’s determined by cost and ability to pay. People that go to the hospital in the US don’t get long wait times because of the. Millions of people that decide not to get a problem . Checked out because they can’t afford it.
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I had compressed/ruptured Cervical Spinal discs. Had I been American even if I had been able to visit the I Paint Because Punching People Frowned Upon Shirt. I would have had to have looked at medical tourism…which would have had to have come from savings. I actually did look at it because my wife is Korean and Korea has an amazing medical system. The same surgery that I had to wait 6 months for would have cost me $31k (USD). Out of pocket plus flights and lost wages (potentially a lost job because you’re. Supposed to stay there a month for aftercare and follow-up). I had to wait, yet I am alive and debt-free. Adding privatized medicine will only tax our already strained system. Others have mentioned funding…what we need is more doctors and more nurses which don’t come without funding.
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