The morning is line is +5 prior to open! I suspect it is going to be a great day to be an APE!! ApeStrongTogther!! I can tell I May Not Be Rich And Famous But I’m A Dog Mom And That’s Priceless Shirt. Dian to have them forwarded to our new location – the MOOON!! It’s making the ole getting an escort and having ur wife, her boyfriend and ur girlfriend walk in at the same time while the escort is shoving bananas in your ass pattern…… very very bullish sign. GameStop is so confused right now. It’s like the excited dog that just wants to jump up and say hello but every time it does it gets bopped on the nose. That excitement is gonna turn to aggression real quick. You ever stick your dick in the door jam and then just keep slamming the door on it.
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That’s how I feel battling these hedgie losers that have nothing better to do than mess with us. We will prevail. New Amazon execs, CHWY Backing, yeah hedgies, you are gonna be digging through garbage cans soon! Find a I May Not Be Rich And Famous But I’m A Dog Mom And That’s Priceless Shirt! I finally have enough karma to comment here. Fuck yeah does it feel good. Ready to fist fight at least two Melvin employees to show my true colors. Elderlies under 160 pounds preferred as opponents. Bring it on old man or lady. And think of the impact and influence that it had on Clark. According to the letter, and based on my amateur understanding of how toys are brought to market, it seems that several months passed, at least, since Clark wrote his letter… and during that time. He will have probably lost more and more hope for a reply as each month passed.
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