Idk maybe I’m wrong and maybe he does think the political donors shouldn’t be transparent but if that’s the I Just Took A DNA Test Turns Out I’M 100 That Santa Grinch Christmas Shirt. in the American political system. I agree vis. superior acting and action. I was very pleased with the two new leads and hold high hopes for the upcoming films. However, I think the shitty acting from Anakin is easily the worst part of the prequels omitting episode 1, hot garbage followed closely by the script. One question – why didn’t the empire build the planet-sized death star analog instead of the actual Death Star? It seemed to be a much better weapon and apparently cheaper if the Empire leftovers could afford it. Ultimately I felt pretty similar about Into Darkness, it was a fun movie but god it’s like JJ just regurgitates old plot points from previous iterations and it drives me nuts. I’d rather have a wholly original plot with suspect acting to remember. We’re all entitled to our opinions. Ok. Haha. Have a nice day.
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And all of that rehashed disjointed writing looks like Citizen Kane when compared to “Expository Dialogue. Expository Dialogue. Expository Dialogue. Videogame level with an untrained Jedi and a senator. The interesting and creative I Just Took A DNA Test Turns Out I’M 100 That Santa Grinch Christmas Shirt. Dooku escapes. Expository Dialogue. The cool closing shot that would have been cooler if the movie portrayed an actual struggle in the conflict with the separatists, any serious debate over the ethics of commissioning an army for what is essentially the European Union, or any compelling mystery, despite an hour and a half of expository dialogue. I’m glad you were able to enjoy TFA so much, I’m actually pretty jealous. So good. So happy. Thank you so much. It’s a nice shirt. So you should buy this shirt. Ok.
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