JP has excellent ideas on many things, a lot of which I have found tremendously helpful personally. But his daughter’s foray into wholesale nutritional advice, based on nothing. But personal anecdote shows that a lot of people follow. The Petersen clan I Hate It When Coworkers Act Like Supervisors Please Act Your Wage Shirt. At any rate, her actions as of late are leading me to further consider what sort of a daughter I am and if I can do anything better in my own family. I think running for office and becoming a prime. Minister is a bit different from what Mikhaila is doing – right? In principle, there are similarities. But Mikhaila isn’t trying to use her father’s popularity to become the leader of a country. So good. So happy. Thank you so much.
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JBP’s point on Trudeau was all about principles though, so ‘in principle’ is the bit that counts. I could agree with you if what Mikhaila did was in the same vein as what Jordan does, not it’s not. She has her I Hate It When Coworkers Act Like Supervisors Please Act Your Wage Shirt. I feel you’re blaming her for the attention she has based on her father’s fame, but there is nothing won’t in family empowerment. It is fair and reasonable to criticize inconsistencies in what she says but I’m not sure your description of inconsistencies is accurate. I know JBP has said the meat diet allowed him to get off antidepressants; I don’t know of either him or Mikhaila saying anything about anti-anxiety meds and the diet. Do you have a link?
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