Or you could just buy the cheapest one you can find, empty the shell, and fill it with. I don’t know, glitter, or separate bags of mentos and dirt coke. Probably a I Fear No Evil The Shadow Is Mine And So Is The Valley Shirt. But maybe it would be an eye opener to your mother. If her own violent tendencies had a chance to backfire on her? I made this remark on a similar post a few days ago, and someone brought a nifty detail to my attention. The states with 2 party consent recording laws all have exemptions built into the laws to allow minors to record their parents/guardians without their knowledge to document abuse. So if OP is under 18, they can record whatever they want.
I Fear No Evil The Shadow Is Mine And So Is The Valley Shirt, Tank Top, V-neck, Sweatshirt And Hoodie
Doesn’t work if OP is underage. Best chance is saving his money so he can move out as early as possible, and if the parents get physically abusive or otherwise abusive(including breaking OP’s stuff), then collect evidence. Never talking to them again after 18″ can be your way! Or at I Fear No Evil The Shadow Is Mine And So Is The Valley Shirt. After this, tell your dad he’s lucky because most dictators not only fail, they’re put to death. Get a place lined up for the day you turn 18. Get something expensive as well, and let them know you have it. P!ss them off the day you turn 18 so they break it. Call cops and have them arrested for theft, since they took property belonging to another adult and intentionally made it non-functional. Not to mention, you might play up acting all scared and add in charges of them making you fearful of your safety.
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