That just happened to me recently!! I just woke up crying today because I dreamt about him. We were very close, shared everything, i even helped him financially, i sent gifts from my Good Stitch Merry Christmas Shirt to his which was 10500km from here(another country and continent). We laughed, we cried, we shared our deepest secrets. After 1 year and half of friendship he found a new friend and started to treat me coldly. Distant. Arrogant even. I noticed all the online behaviors he once he with me was being focused on her (tagging online, liking every post, etc) and me? I almost lost another friend from self harm and he simply skipped my message. About a month ago, when i brought up a topic about a playlist he did on spotify for the new friend(we shared some playlists together).
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He accused me of stalking, saying he wouldn’t talk about his private life with me, that “we have school friends, work friends, online friends and not everybody needs to know about everything”. Deleted the playlists. I suddenly didn’t recognize the man, the supposedly friend i was talking for then 2 years everyday for hours until he met that girl. He changed to someone, maybe his true self, I’ve seen glimpses before but i never saw completely. And at that exact moment he broke up with me. But eventually, Good Stitch Merry Christmas Shirt I did was wrong. Done incorrectly, done out of order, done at the wrong time… There was something wrong about everything. I began to live for getting anything right, which was improbable if not impossible. Ultimately she became the ultimate cruel god; I sought to please, but the mark was always just out of reach. I must not be good enough, right?
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