It’s unfortunate that they may lose their jobs, but it’s also unfortunate to subjugate an entire nation to a system that likely wouldn’t work either. People would find another job. Pharmaceutical expenditures is about 9 percent. We could literally spend nothing on German Shorthaired Pointer Dog Shirt health care country in the world (per capita). Insurance overhead is estimated to be 7 percent and medical equipment is another 3 percent. If all three of those were zero we would still be the highest spending country percapita. Let’s return to your point about lower educational investment or expense. Are you arguing for lower standards for medical personnel training? I don’t think lowering the cost would be as significant as you think. If a drug is approved by the FDA PBM’s have to offer it, there are almost no wiggle room to not offer it even if.
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The real hidden cost of health care education is the lost wages, job experience and interest on earnings. MDs train for 4 years at no wages, and another 3 to 5 years at hardly stabilizing wages for them. Even if tuition was free, 4 years living in an area big enough to merit a medical school is going to cost a lot of money. The issue with German Shorthaired Pointer Dog Shirt. We expect and receive more healthcare than other countries do and that costs more. The often touted poor American health outcomes (as measured by life expectancy) isn’t something I can fix. By the time you’re seeing me for diabetes the damage is done, I’m a damage control response. Our chronic health conditions are just more numerous than our compatriots across the ocean and that’s what drives our poor outcomes.
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