If only you knew back then, huh? Modems of the day used what is called the Hayes command set. You’d give it AT followed by parameters/commands to do what you wanted it to do. ATDT Funny Just A Girl Who Loves Crabs Shirt tones to dial that phone number and connect to the answering system. ATDP with the number would let you dial using pulse instead of touch tones for older lines that didn’t support them. There are probably still modems out there that use the same command set (or emulate the command set for software-defined modems/Winmodems) but I haven’t had to touch one for 10+ years at this point when I finally got my mom off of dialup, and even then she was using one of my old US Robotics modems.
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I first started using it, it really wasn’t. When I got it it didn’t even keep a constant chat window open, once you Funny Just A Girl Who Loves Crabs Shirt. But I think they all used it just because they were too cool for. My son was computer savvy and at one time worked in the Geek squad. He brought home an HP computer and gave it to me. He helped me a lot with navigating online and warned me about certain things. This was back in 2002 I think. After a while when I asked my son for help he told me to Google it. I got a bit miffed about that but it taught. Me how to find out things for myself and I did.
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