Yeah totally agree with all of this!! Some great tips in there too. I wish every player had to read this post at boot up! Oh, and in their current incarnation, defenders are fairly useless… maybe melee ones are ok… but probably not. I don’t find this to be even remotely true. Defenders are awesome if you are playing solo or with a Funny Cannabis Don’t Care Bear Shirt. I just don’t find that they are worth the investment in ammo and mats to level them up. But yes I’m usually not playing solo. Which defenders do you use typically? Mine seems to burn through ammo so fast. Maybe it’s because I give them crap weapons though? I never really thought to give them something better. Thanks!
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Snipers are the best to use. Shotgunners and pistoles still like to engage husks at a far distance thus wasting their shots. I just give them my founder’s wasp a couple hundred bullets and that seems to do the trick. One tip for helping defenders is to build a Funny Cannabis Don’t Care Bear Shirt. Another fun tip: If a tank thrower throws a tank at you, you can use a melee weapon to hit it (works when it is both on the ground and in the air, though I noticed if it’s still in the air it gets sent further) to get it away from you and your base. When the smasher charges a constructor hero can bullrush him and stop his charge. Not touching my walls bucko.
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Thanks! I added this to the details. I don’t have an Outlander above Level 4, so I don’t know much about their advanced abilities yet. It seems quick play hasn’t been as gracious lately by putting me in SSD missions so I guess I will have to hang around in chat. Outside of that, I usually get about 1 every hour. Though, sometimes you can ask on chat if anyone needs help with SSD and a lot of people will chime in and ask for help. It’s a great way to just farm them. I think asking in the chat is by far the easiest and quickest way to do them. Then it’s really a nice shirt for all men and women. So you should buy this shirt. Thank you so much.
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