1 daycare in hospital, the system is broken!” the American system undoubtedly offers the best care for patients on earth, has the best doctors and nurses in the world, as long as you Dave And Chuck The Freak 101 Wrif Shirt. This country’s medical schools, research, and training of doctors+nurses is second to none in the world. Period. The FDA is the gold standard of government drug agencies. While even advanced european countries approve drugs and procedures left and right, sometimes years before the Americans do. The FDA is far more conservative and slower to approve things, waiting to gather . Facts and information, which IMO is a good thing not a bad thing. I’ve never understood this argument. for why we should have socialized medicine which will ruin care of patients as it has in the UK and Canada.
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It’s simply not congruent with reality. We have tons of social programs available for these folks. For those over 65 you have the excellent medicare system that takes care of seniors with little to no out-of-pocket costs. Or do not Dave And Chuck. The Freak 101 Wrif Shirt. You have programs in California such. As Medi-cal, which offers fully. Free health insurance to low/no income people. Then you have the various Obamacare insurance programs. They offer cheap insurance for low and medium-income people that don’t have insurance. Through their work. Given the effort to take advantage. Of the programs available to them and obtain. Health insurance, that is down. To their own lack of responsibility and is not an argument. If someone feels they are young and doesn’t want to bother obtaining a.
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