Last night I ran my third session ever and first session ever online for my homebrew campaign, using Roll20 which I had only learned to use as a DM yesterday afternoon. I introduced an Awesome Roll For Intimidation Check Shirt. And for their combat encounter, they came upon a band of half-orcs killing a displacer beast. So I had to manage stat blocks for three NPCs plus a crazy monster that gives disadvantage on attack rolls. It was so smooth. They were all engaged, fascinated, horrified, bewildered, delighted as I told them the story of what was happening. My NPCs were difficult to RP. Because they were not terribly pleasant people (and I had insults prepared for them to use.
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Which was SUCH fun) — also, I was so absorbed in RP that I totally forgot to have us all roll for intimidation/deception/etc lol, note to self. I’m just feeling an incredible high after this session. I want more, more, more. Writing and researching and planning and prepping is deliciously fun, but omg the Awesome Roll For Intimidation Check Shirt. I want to do this all the time ever. Can this be my life work? Does the high stick around? Do you still feel it even when you’ve been doing it for years? And can I get paid to be a DM? Yeah, it’s normal. Your brain operates at a very high-energy, high brain-cell usage while DMing. You need every part of your brain to be creative and mathematical at the same time while running encounters and sensing social cues. It’s high action brain work.
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So naturally, your adrenaline and dopamine levels are high. I have a very hard time sleeping after an Awesome Roll For Intimidation Check Shirt. The brain goes 90-miles-per-hour. I try to use that energy when I can. If I can stay up later I use that time for the creation of more DnD, encounters, monsters, in-game social situations, world-building. Definitely what that guy said. Use that high to get ahead on your next session. Take notes on interesting things and nuances that happened so you can make the next session even juicier!! I always write my recap immediately after the session. Then I at least outline the next one if I haven’t already started it. I make me feel like I’m always ahead on it which is a good feeling.
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