A couple of these are default Mac OS X wallpapers, aren’t they? The first one, and the one of Mt. Fuji? The best part of this is that we represent one world out of a possibly infinite number if this is the Awesome Nurse Queen Saved The World Quarantine Shirt. Ah, the infamous fake-ass zebra picture. I cannot believe this gets posted so often, anywhere. It’s so blatantly completely thrown together! There are two fucking horizons! Great wallpaper, except ugh, watermark on that picture of mountains. Seeing the first image my thought was “Dammit Nemo! I’m sore from all the shoveling!”. The world can be wonderful….until the inevitability of humans sucking all of the resources out and making it dry occurs.
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These photos are really fantastic! Thanks so much for sharing – brightened my day right up! What a beautiful little album, thank you so much for this! Just waiting to hear about Apple’s new lawsuit about that last photo. It’s a shame we seem to be trying our hardest to destroy it then, isn’t it? I see skies of blue. clouds of white Bright blessed days. dark sacred nights And I think to myself .what a wonderful world. The colors of a rainbow so pretty in the Awesome Nurse Queen Saved The World Quarantine Shirt…..of people ..going by I see friends shaking hands sayin.. how do you do They’re really saying. Miles rose regretfully and Lyra clung to the warm sheets he left behind. He answered the door and turned to her with a smile. “The Wall is in sight, my dear. Won’t you come and see?
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Lyra had taken to wearing loose but thick pantaloons and one of Miles’ furred doublet, far too long on her. When she did wear clothes. Her sea legs had come back a few days. She moved with the movement of the boat and stepped up into the morning sun. A titanic block of towering ice and stone reaching high to the heavens. Just as Maester Sandor had described it to her as a child. She didn’t actually think he was telling the truth; he was after all prone to exaggeration.
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