because I still think combatting and getting rid of racism and antisemitism is incredibly important, but I could definitely see many people having the word get very watered down to them to the point where it doesn’t mean much. THANK YOU. My mom is Jewish AF. Any Awesome In Pizza We Crust Shirt, I’m called an antisemite. What the fuck kind of fallacy is that? I don’t hate anyone because of their religion. My own mom is Jewish, I love her and everyone I’ve met from the congregation. I’m just Adamantly opposed to MURDERING others. and I understand the complexity of the regional history, but when militaries/groups/anyone are killing innocent people, it’s not fucking okay! Fuck me though for believing everyone should have equal rights (Like having basic needs met….
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like shelter/electricity/medical help/education/freedom/not being the victims of murder and genocide while the world watches. So I guess it is fine to bomb kids/vital infrastructure? Am I getting it right? I never got this lesson in blatant. Evil, so I’m not sure if I’m Awesome In Pizza We Crust Shirt really separates the two? It is after all, the people who put those in power there and are tacitly condoning this by their support of the government. It is irresponsible to say that the government is solely responsible and that the people do not have blood on their hands. I see this happening right now in the media. It’s an “attack on Jews” and “radical Islamic terrorists”. I found this very perplexing and distorts any discussion about this conflict. criticism on Israel’s actions becomes antisemitism and the hatred on the Israeli government actions.
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